Thursday 2 January 2014

Reflections on Station Games during Orientation

During our orientation today, we played station games throughout the school.

The first station game, called "Dog and Bone" was rather average as it wasn't very exciting. Our class rushed into the game head-on without any strategy and subsequently lost to S102. I feel that we should have strategised more before the game and communicated more to perform better.

Next came the Mat Flipping, which I thought was the hardest of all. I think that 25 people squeezed onto a small mat left very little room to move around. So while the people at the front were already flipping the mat around, the people at the back were squashed by the pressure. I think we should have told our idea to everyone so they were clear of what to do. Someone acting as leader would help us organise ourselves too.

The last station game we came to was the Helium Hoop. We raised the hoops at different speeds, causing them to turn lopsided and fall down. We should have coordinated more and raise the hoops at same speed to keep them parallel to the ground.

In overall, I felt that the station games were fun and engaging but also very tricky. Also, they required a lot of communication, teamwork and coordination among the class.

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